Write for Us

Join Our Community of Business Enthusiasts

At Before It Business, we’re dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of business, finance, startup, fashion, fitness, health, lifestyle, and technology enthusiasts. We understand the value of diverse perspectives and expertise in shaping the discourse around these crucial topics. That’s why we’re always on the lookout for talented contributors who can offer unique insights, thought-provoking analysis, and actionable advice to our readers.

Why Write for Us?

1. Expand Your Reach

Collaborating with Before It Business provides an unparalleled opportunity to expand your reach and connect with a wider audience. With our growing platform and engaged readership, your content will have the potential to reach thousands of individuals passionate about business, finance, startup, fashion, fitness, health, lifestyle, and technology.

2. Establish Thought Leadership

By contributing to Before It Business, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your field. Whether you’re an industry expert, entrepreneur, or aspiring professional, sharing your knowledge and insights can help you build credibility and authority within your niche.

3. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Writing for Before It Business isn’t just about sharing your expertise—it’s also about driving traffic to your own website or blog. With each article you publish, you’ll have the opportunity to include a byline and author bio, allowing you to direct readers back to your own platform and expand your online presence.

Topics We Cover

At Before It Business, we cover a wide range of topics related to business, finance, startup, fashion, fitness, health, lifestyle, and technology. Whether you’re interested in sharing insights on industry trends, offering practical tips for success, or exploring the intersection of these diverse fields, we welcome contributions on the following topics:

  • Business Strategy
  • Financial Planning
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Fashion Trends
  • Fitness Tips
  • Healthcare Innovations
  • Lifestyle Hacks
  • Cutting-Edge Technology

Submission Guidelines

1. Originality

All submissions must be original content that has not been published elsewhere. We value fresh perspectives and unique insights, so please ensure that your content is not plagiarized or repurposed from other sources.

2. Relevance

Before submitting your article, consider whether it aligns with the interests and preferences of our audience. We prioritize content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to our readers’ interests in business, finance, startup, fashion, fitness, health, lifestyle, and technology.

3. Length and Format

Articles should typically be between 800-1500 words in length, although exceptions can be made for particularly compelling content. Please format your submission using clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability and organization.

4. Editorial Standards

Before It Business maintains high editorial standards and reserves the right to edit or reject submissions that do not meet our quality criteria. We encourage writers to carefully proofread their work for grammar, spelling, and coherence before submitting.

How to Submit

Ready to share your expertise with our community? Submit your article for consideration by emailing it to vivek@beforeitbusiness.com. Be sure to include a brief author bio and any relevant links or references.

Join Us Today!

Join Before It Business and become part of a dynamic community of business, finance, startup, fashion, fitness, health, lifestyle, and technology enthusiasts. Together, we can inspire, inform, and empower one another to achieve our goals and make a positive impact on the world.